Axel Koenders
Presenter and Sports instructor/advisor endurance sports
“Almost anything is achievable in sports as success can to a large extent be planned and realized. Pain and exhaustion are only temporary and uncertainties can be reduced by careful planning”.
“As a presenter and sports instructor/advisor my focus lies on advising my clients how to prepare themselves optimally for one-day or multi-day endurance sports events. This can be done either in the form of a clinic or with just some basic training and nutrition tips to achieve a healthy lifestyle”.
[ Axel Koenders ]
PE teacher, cyclist, ice speed skater, triathlete, Sports Performance manager and advisor at the Dutch Olympic Committee (NOC) and the Dutch Sports Federation (NSF), coach at various clubs and associations and owner of a sports- and fitness center: over a 40-year span, I have built a huge wealth of expertise of and experience in recreational, competitive and top-sports. My knowledge on how to prepare yourself for endurance sports events is second to none.
I present seminars and run clinics to groups both larger and smaller. This could be a cycling club or any other sports or athletics club, schools, fitness centers or organizers of endurance sports events. I will tell you everything about the importance of good preparation, good training schedules, goal setting and perseverance, with lots of enthusiasm. Since I speak several languages, this can also be in English, German or Spanish.
My vision is that every child, teenager and adult should always be in an environment where they can enjoy sports. To exercise, to train or to compete; today and on any day in the future.
Born out of my passion for sports, my mission is to advise recreational, competitive and top sports performers but also school children and students how to exercise and train. And also to motivate and stimulate them to develop an active lifestyle and enjoy (endurance-) sports.
Presenter and sports instructor/advisor Axel Koenders offers inspiring seminars and training sessions to:
Companies (teams)
Clubs (cycling/skating/athletics/swimming/triathlon, etcetera)
Schools/educational entities
Fitness centers
Sports associations
Youth top (endurance-) sports development teams
Social groups (friends)
Organizers of sports events
Sports shops (cycling/running/skating, etcetera)
To give you an idea of the breath of possible topics that I can cover, please browse a list of them below.
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